Tuesday 7 April 2009

The "Porn" ultimatum.

Could there possibly be a more embarrassing way for your wife to find out you've been watching porn?

Beleaguered British Home Secretary's husband Richard Timney has 'fessed up to watching adult movies at the couples constituency home while his wife was away.Not a crime on it's own,but said porn was subsequently charged to Jacqui Smiths parliamentary expenses which were recently leaked to the British press.

Now where this story doesn't quite scan for me is why would an intelligent grown man, in an age of freely accessible hard core porn to suit even the most discerning or depraved connoisseur of skin flicks via the wonderful internet,choose to get his rocks off to a pay per view film on the Virgin cable package(with incriminating itemised billing)?

Here's my theory,based on nothing other than incredulity that Mr Smith could be so dumb, and the apparent solidarity Jacqui Smith appears to be showing with her husbands indiscretion.Suppose the adult films weren't watched by Mr Timney at all.The couples sons are aged 10 and 13,about the age I expect you'd be endeavouring to access those forbidden adult channels on the TV.In this scenario Mr Timney accepts responsibility for accessing said porn to save his own children the inevitable humiliation which,played out in the school yard rather than a ravenous national press,would probably cause much greater emotional damage to those concerned in the longer term.

So if this were to have been the case then Mr Timney's actions are transformed.He's no longer a husband,getting his auto-erotic kicks while the missus is away,but a dad committing a noble act to protect his children and family.

Then of course he might've just been having a w*nk on the state!


  1. Excellent post! I met them both last year on a Telegraph shoot-at their home. If only I'd known I'd have had a good poke around in their DVD collection LOL.

    Yours is an interesting theory. But, sadly, people do dumb things all the time. I should know.

  2. could things not be a little more innocent? A violent (adult) movie perhaps? Much more socially acceptable...
