Friday 20 February 2009

New Labours obit'?

The British Labour Party is to my mind finished! The upcoming election(maybe this year,probably spring 2010) will be an annihilation for them,barring an incredible re-invention between now and then(stand up Alan Johnson please).

But what of the not insubstantial constituency that is the "Centre-Left" voters of the UK? Abandoned by "New Labour" long ago can we really wait the 10-15 years it'll take Labour to re-invent itself(and be forgiven) in opposition.We need a credible progressive CENTRE LEFT political force in the UK sooner than that to counter what could otherwise be a long dark period of Conservative rule ahead.

One of two things needs to happen.Either the Liberal Democrats need to "grow a pair" and re-seize the centre left mantle,or there needs to emerge(possibly from Labours' ashes)and new political party.

Martin Kettle in todays Guardian predicts such an opportunity for the Liberal Democrats.These really are,as he says,"seismic times",the like of which have on previous occasions brought about much politcal change, and I don't think this time will be any different.Vince Cable is one of the few sound voices in these uncertain times,although I do fear that the leader of the Lib Dems(whatshisname,i've gotta look this up here?)Nick Cleggs' greatest acheivement is in managing to make Tory leader David Cameron look "substantial".........quite some feat!

The other option,a whole new political party,is what I'd like to see rise from the current and approaching turmoil.I sometimes mourn that the British political system,unlike the American,only allows re-invention in opposition.Even then it's an incredibly slow and painful drawn out process,witness Labour 1979-97.

My point is WE CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG this time! Something new,and of the "LEFT" has to emerge.

I do believe we will see something positive,and of the "Left" emerge out of the coming economic and political chaos.It's going to get ugly shorter term but we will ,longer term, arrive in a better more equitable place.

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